Graphic Novel Review: Swords, Spacemen, and Superspies Box Set by James Kochalka
Posted on January 21, 2025 at 6:41 am by Gene Ambaum
Swords, Spacemen, and Superspies Box Set by James Kochalka. Black Eye Books, 2024. 9781738920082. (The box set includes a digital edition of each book.)
The three books in this boxed set are fun and showcase both Kochalka’s skills and silliness in the best ways.
Elf Cat Is Famous by James Kochalka. Black Eye Books, 2024. 9781738920037. 100pages
This fantasy story is drawn in black and white, so it feels like an instant classic. Elf Cat is broke but he needs a sword. Lucky for him (maybe) he plays by his own rules. Nothing can stop him, not even Elf Dog.
Moon Book Prototype by James Kochalka. Black Eye Books, 2024. 9781738920044. 20 pages.
An alien soldier on the moon — he looks like a robot or cyborg — finds a book. As he faces the muscular Bigbro and the deadly Snakeskin, he explores the magic of reading. A lovely gift for the librarian in your life!
Duck Fighter by James Kochalka. Black Eye Books, 2024. 9781738920068. 90 pages.
A secret agent-type dude in a pink tux crashes the Sisterhood of Duck Appreciation’s get-together. Several ladies are happy to see him, at least until he attacks a hat that one of the members is wearing (it looks like a duck). After that some of the ladies are still happy to see him, but there are ducks that must be fought and a vision quest to take.
This book is insane, and it’s my favorite of the bunch even though Moon Book is about reading.
Physical and digital copies of each were available at, but you may have to use your library superpowers to get them now.