Graphic Novel Review: Castle Swimmer Volume One by Wendy Martin

Castle Swimmer Volume One by Wendy Martin. Ten Speed Graphic, 2024. 9780593833814. 268pp. Includes episodes 1 – 19 from Webtoons plus a never-before-seen chapter.

The god of the surface creates a beautiful golden mer named Kappa. He’s more commonly known as the Beacon, and he has a key role to play in the prophecies of various undersea peoples who have been awaiting his arrival. Often the prophecies he’s involved with don’t play out exactly as folks think they will. Kappa doesn’t really want to be the Beacon, but he doesn’t have a choice.

Jump to 20 years later. Different groups think their prophecy is the most important, and all are awaiting the arrival of the Beacon. But he’s been imprisoned in the Castle of the Sharks, where Prince Siren is supposed to kill him to break the curse on his people. So the people who want Beacon to fulfill their prophecies (and not to die) plot to free the Beacon from the Sharks. But maybe they shouldn’t worry — Prince Sire continues to make excuses for not killing Kappa, and the two become friends (with a hint that they may become more than friends later).

This is a beautifully drawn undersea tale that looks like it will turn into a full-blown romance, maybe in the next volume. My favorite thing about it is its leisurely pace; Martin loves the world and the characters enough to let the story develop instead of racing toward plot points.

You can still read the story on Webtoons in its original format starting at 


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