
6 thoughts on “501”

  1. Ruth says:

    So, is there really a book called S&M for everyone (or Dummies, or whatever)? Enquiring minds reaaaalllly want to know, lol. And no, I don’t want to read it as I know quite well what it’s about, just thinking it would make a great “gag” gift, so to speak. My mind is officially boggled at the moment about this situation happening.

    1. Ipsum says:

      I couldn’t find one online – but if you’re looking for a good gag gift, you could always go for 50 shades of chicken.

    2. Gene Ambaum says:

      I’m sure there’s something available along those lines, but no book by this title as far as I know. -Gene

  2. Lily says:

    I admit I would be a naughty librarian… I would point her to some /healthy/ romance novels instead. 50SOG romanticizes a very abusive and manipulative relationship.

  3. Smithnik says:

    Since it started out as fan fiction OF a story based on an abusive and manipulative relationship, that makes a great deal of sense…
    In this case, since she’s clearly unclear on what the book is about, but still remains interested enough to want a sample after finding out, the path is less clear.

  4. BN says:

    There are many things I would say aren’t for dummies, mainly due to associated risks if you mess up. Question: how much do you want to have to explain to an EMT?

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