Graphic Novel Review: Pizza My Heart (A Norma and Belly Book) by Mika Song
Posted on October 25, 2022 at 9:31 am by Gene Ambaum
Pizza My Heart (A Norma and Belly Book) by Mika Song. RH Graphic, 2022. 9780593479728. 96pp.
This is the third book in Song’s graphic novel series about two hungry squirrels, Norma and Belly. In this one, tired of acorn-based foods, they get very excited about a new pizza restaurant. It’s called Pizza Bot, and it’s an on-the-street pizza automat of sorts. Trying to push buttons, Norma falls into the dollar bill slot and finds her way into the kitchen. Belly can’t get inside to free Normal and so hitches a ride with the delivery driver, Pizza Kid, who ends up in front of an apartment that’s home to Tomato, the meanest cat in town. (It’s there on a bench that Gramps, the squirrel with huge glasses, makes an alarmed appearance.)
The resolution involves friendship and getting fed, which is what I remember about the other two books in the series, Donut Feed The Squirrels and Apple Of My Eye. Song’s watercolors and pencils give her drawings a delightful fuzziness, and add to the sense of fun and joy in every scene. I love these hungry squirrels. (And as an old guy it’s probably no surprise that Gramps is my favorite.)