Graphic Novel Review: Our Encounters With Evil & Other Stories Library Edition
Posted on January 26, 2023 at 6:23 am by Gene Ambaum
Our Encounters With Evil & Other Stories Library Edition by Mike Mignola and Warwick Johnson-Cadwell. Dark Horse, 2022. 9781506734149.
This collection contains the short graphic novels originally published as Mr. Higgins Comes Home, Our Encounters With Evil, and Falconspeare, plus preliminary sketches for each book and a few other illustrations.
All three stories feature Professor Meinhardt and his assistant Mr. Knox as they pursue the undead. Johnson-Cadwell seems like a perfect creative partner for Mignola; his art adds to the deadpan humor of both the stories and dialogue. His style has a little bit of the silliness of Richard Sala’s work but it really is altogether its own thing, and it turns what would otherwise be horrifying violence into giggle-inducing moments. It’s worth checking out for the sketches at the end of the book alone.