Graphic Novel Review: Lupus by Fredrik Peters

Lupus by Fredrik Peters. Translator: Edward Gauvin. Top Shelf, 2019. 9781603094597. 392pp.

This non-epic science fiction story starts with Lupus on a long, drug-fueled interstellar fishing trip with his friend Tony. In a bar Lupus meets Sanaa, a sad-looking but radiant woman who asks him to take her with them. They do. Saying much more about the plot would ruin the story, which involves going on the run, hiding out, alien biology, and folks not sure what they want or need from each other. It’s intense in moments yet relaxed for long stretches, and I loved the way the whole thing unfolded.

This is a mammoth black and white graphic novel originally published as four separate books in France. I’ve read and enjoyed Peters’ books that have been translated into English in the last few years, but this is my absolute favorite. His inks remind me of Doug Tennapel’s old black and white comics — they have incredible energy, they’re beautiful to look at, and they absolutely serve the story. I hope you like this book as much as I did.


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