Graphic Novel Review: Bloodlust & Bonnets by Emily McGovern
Posted on October 3, 2019 at 11:22 am by Gene Ambaum
Bloodlust & Bonnets by Emily McGovern. Andrews McMeel, 2019. 9781449497477. 203pp.
This is the most hilariously odd graphic novel set at the end of the Regency period ever.
Miss Lucy takes a sword cane to some gentlemen that deserve it, and is invited to join a secret ancient immortal vampire cult. But then, a self-obsessed Lord Byron shows up with his psychic eagle, Napoleon, to save her. Covered in blood they fly to his castle in the Scottish Highlands. That’s just in the opening pages. In the rest: a magic castle, more vampires, an ambush, a hot vampire killer, cross dressing, Sir Walter Scott, betrayal, a ball, lust, a succubus, several amazing entrances, a lot of cartoony blood and violence, and a public bath in Bath. The whole thing is nonstop madness.
You can read more of McGovern’s comics at, including the short that this graphic novel is based on. (I love the simple cartoony style of this book way better than the style of the original short, though that looks great, too.)