Graphic Novel Review: Asylum by Greg Means and Kazimir Lee

Asylum by Greg Means and Kazimir Lee. Tugboat Press, 2022. 9798218032357. 126pp.

This is my favorite graphic novel that I bought at Seattle’s Short Run comics festival last fall. And that shouldn’t be a surprise as Greg Means (The Cute Girl Network, Penny Nichols) wrote it. If you’ve never read any of the Papercutter series, which he edited and published (I think), I highly recommend any issue you come across. I’m not as familiar with Lee’s work but after reading this book I’m going to be on the lookout for more of their work, too — it’s fabulous.

This is a platonic love story between Allen Rheem and his friend Zekia Miller. They travel together promoting an overly complicated strategy card game, Asylum, that has a worldwide following. And as they do they try to push each other into romantic pursuits. They’re awkward. They’re super close friends. They even babysit their friends’ kids together, and set up two gamers who of course fall in love. But in the end the question is is platonic love enough for both of them? Just one of them? Neither of them?


2 thoughts on “Graphic Novel Review: Asylum by Greg Means and Kazimir Lee”

  1. Danielle Shuping says:

    I highly recommend Kaz’s work. they did several comics for the nib and Erika moens comic that are highly educational and moving in the messages they convey. Kaz has an excellent use of colors and gorgeous line work. They graduated from the Center for Cartoon Studies the same year as Tillie Walden.

    1. Gene Ambaum says:

      Awesome! Thanks.

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