Posted on January 15, 2020 at 10:55 am by Gene Ambaum
Thanks to the lovely Cherie Tartt for her appearance in Library Comic!
This one is for a few friends I haven’t seen in a while, and for a family member who was Mr. Leather Seattle once upon a time.
Uh… I’m not sure this is in good taste…
One of the absurd objections about drag performers doing story times is the false-conflation of drag and kink, and this does not help dispel that misconception.
And I get that this is satirical, but by making it satire, you add an element of kink shaming (which I’m against).
I agree that this seems to be trying to show for humor what other people take as a serious possibility. Whether or not that’s a problem is a bit of a Poe’s law situation. (Is it so obviously ridiculous that it’s clear that the idea is being ridiculed? Or are we assuming that it’s satire when it’s serious? Or . . .)
Yeah, this was definitely not in good taste. I’m disappointed.
kewl, something to offend everyone! sacred cows make the steaks
This is an actual issue my library LGBT services committee has faced so I find it HILARIOUS. Although, I should add we’ve started a special adults only drag story time to help with the issue. 🙂