
9 thoughts on “614”

  1. Rodney G. says:

    Maybe it is just me, but isn’t referring to a, “PIN Number” only a little redundant?

    1. Gene Ambaum says:

      He has the card, so he has that number already, but if he had the card’s PIN / password he’d be able to access the records himself — or at least that was my thought. (This is how it works in both library systems I use.)

      1. Elizabeth says:

        I’m pretty sure Rodney’s referring to the fact that PIN stands for Personal Identification Number. So a PIN Number is a Personal Identification Number Number. Huge pet peeve of mine, along with ATM Machine, HIV Virus, and a number of others.

  2. Clay Campbell says:

    I think I’ve heard this joke before, either here or in Unshelved; and I am still curious as to why a guy would want to know what there spouse was reading?

    1. Gene Ambaum says:

      Definetly a situation I’ve explored several times after encountering it in the library. No explanation from me, though at worst they seem controlling, and at best they seem to think all the rules should not apply to them.

      1. Seanna Lea says:

        Sometimes I want to know what my husband has taken out, so I can check out a book that he hasn’t already read. But if I can’t remember what he’s read I can text him or just get him a possible reread instead.

        1. Gene Ambaum says:

          A perfectly reasonable way to handle that!

          I sometimes help folks who want to know what their spouse has checked out so they can make sure they brought all the books back. I always feel a little bad that I can’t help with that, though I will answer a question as to whether or not a specific title has been checked in, or I’ll tell them if there are none still checked out.

    2. zeugma says:

      A spouse or parent could be checking up on whether someone’s reading books on divorce, sex, pregnancy, disease, trauma, abuse, or other topics they aren’t sharing with the other person. Controlling, yes, and also possibly dangerous for the other person.

  3. Brenna says:

    Well as long as the person has the card, even if it’s someone else’s, we don’t question it.

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