Even the middle school students I worked with pointed out that poetry, drama & graphic novels have Dewey numbers & these are not ‘true information’. So I agree that non-fiction doesn’t really describe this. Even fiction could have spine numbers under the Dewey system.
000 – Computer science, information & general works
100 – Philosophy & psychology
Depending on your point of view, many things in the 100’s and 200’s might be viewed as fiction within the nonfiction sections.
Even the middle school students I worked with pointed out that poetry, drama & graphic novels have Dewey numbers & these are not ‘true information’. So I agree that non-fiction doesn’t really describe this. Even fiction could have spine numbers under the Dewey system.
Fairy and folk tales in the 398s, huge amounts of the 800s (think poetry and drama) are also game to be considered fiction in the non-fiction.
I wouldn’t say poetry is fiction OR non-fiction.
We could rename the categories Creativity and Information