Posted on March 12, 2018 at 11:47 am by Gene Ambaum
Characters: Jody
Thanks to HarperCollins for sponsoring Library Comic this week. Click here for more information about their authors and signings during the Public Library Association conference. https://librarycomic.com/20180312/?utm_source=web
↓ Transcript
Patron: A lot of your staff are trying to use mind control in the library.
Patron: But not you. You’re good.
Patron: How can we expose what’s happening?
Jody: I wouldn’t know where to start.
Patron: Oh, they’ve gotten to you already!
Patron: But not you. You’re good.
Patron: How can we expose what’s happening?
Jody: I wouldn’t know where to start.
Patron: Oh, they’ve gotten to you already!
No, we try to *teach* mind control. The world would be a better place if everybody could control their own minds.