Posted on July 6, 2017 at 12:00 am by Gene Ambaum
↓ Transcript
Patron: This photo is for my daughter.
Patron: I look sallow.
Patron2: Let’s try some filters.
Patron: Why do I look like a masked wrestler? Now I have cat ears? Shark teeth!?
Patron2: We can post the original if you’d like.
Patron: Send the one with the cat ears. But don’t tell anyone.
Patron: Your secret will be safe with me. And the rest of the internet.
Patron: I look sallow.
Patron2: Let’s try some filters.
Patron: Why do I look like a masked wrestler? Now I have cat ears? Shark teeth!?
Patron2: We can post the original if you’d like.
Patron: Send the one with the cat ears. But don’t tell anyone.
Patron: Your secret will be safe with me. And the rest of the internet.
My half-joking advice for photo manipulation is “borrow a teenager.” Nice to see I’m not the only one who thinks like that.